Brathwaite Prime

Est. 2014

Refined Logistics & Solutions

“Successful Transactions” do not just happen. They are researched, structured, negotiated, reformatted, underwritten, sold, etc. This requires a selective team of executives, specifically suited to bring the transaction into full effect; all within a highly fluid, at times volatile, competitive and occasionally hostile global economy. When you’ve arrived to the point where success is mandatory, Brathwaite Prime has the solutions for you.

Our Purpose


Brathwaite Prime’s first objective is prosperity. Prosperity in our projects, for our investor interest and ourselves, and thus, for America. We achieve this through our superior leadership, character, integrity, objective focus, synergy, methodology and experience, grounded in each executive and member of our firm.

We Grow Value

Each project that comes under review is carefully examined for its viability for development or joint acquisition & growth vector. Once we decide to take on a project, success is assured in several key areas, with very few variables remaining allowing us to further refine the venture for future effective growth given market dynamics and shifts in global markets and technologies.

BWP directs the selected project(s) and places it's capital of the private trust while driving the exponential growth of the project or company to ensure that we meet and exceed the targeted objectives in all areas of growth, value, and of course ROI. 

Private & Direct

Government regulations have created a significant portion of the demand for a BWP type of "private direct investment & development firm." It is through our in-house leadership of new and expanding projects, with a very "all hands on deck" synergy that ensures success. (as opposed to the old "arm’s length'' type of "hands off" approaches to placing investment capital. Generally to preserve litigation advantages in case of capital losses). 

Rather, BWP takes the approach that it is far better to simply....."not lose capital." BWP reviews cases for impact, effect and risk abatement prior to taking them. BWP then takes a co-leadership position with the project prior to the infusion of capital and leadership direction together to create a synergy for the life of the project placement.  Thus, creating a 100% win ratio, with zero losses.

While the joint venture clients & projects of Brathwaite Prime are referred exclusively from major firms, institutions or former clients, we will from time to time review a matter that is so cutting edge, commercially viable, or socially relevant, that we will remove the reference requirement in order to shift the paradigm. Also, upon our review of a submission matter we will provide recommendations that will assist your project direction.

Then & Now

Brathwaite Prime commenced operations in 2014 as a world-class Wall Street boutique private investment firm specializing in private investments, mergers & acquisitions, globalization, project and portfolio financing structures custom tailored for optimum growth and maximum value to both client and investor. Since that time, the firm has continued to set the pace in innovation to become a premier global directorship.

Today, BWP is a recognized leader in the specialized areas of private investment, project development, mergers & acquisitions, private trust equity & capital expansion and tailored transactions. Offering an impressive array of cutting-edge projects and leadership, custom tailored for its private and institutional projects around the world.

“The real excitement is playing the game...”

— Donald J Trump

Ride for the Brand

Cowboy Ethics is just one of the books that reflects the values and foundation of Brathwaite Prime. We don’t just ride for our brand but for our partners and investors as well. Especially in a day and age where doing deals on a handshake is “out of style”, a handshake here is worth your weight in gold.

Click below to see more valuable finds on our book list.

Our Partners

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Contact Us

All inquiries on current and future projects, please send to our team at BWP and we will answer promptly and efficiently.

Client and investor confidentiality is paramount at our firm to ensure the utmost privacy, hence all projects are not listed.